SSA Annual General Meeting
Dear Members of the SSA,
The President and Council warmly invite you to join them for the SSA Annual General Meeting 2018.
We have lots of news to share and plenty to review, and we would like to encourage you to come along and contribute your thoughts and opinions on the ongoing development of this distinguished society.
This year’s President’s Address will give an overview of SSA activities over the past year and going forward. This will include information about international projects, future exhibiting opportunities, and an introduction to newly elected Professional Members.
There will be an opportunity to view the Annual Exhibition and get a more in-depth insight into the open selection and curated elements.
Follow this link to register.
Please send apologies to
We look forward to your company,
Sharon Quigley, President
Honorary Presidents | Richard Demarco OBE
Honorary Vice-President | The Rt Hon Frank Ross, Councillor and Past Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh.
President | Sharon Quigley
Vice President | Paul Charlton
Independent Financial Examiner | Alexander Sloan, Chartered Accountants
Administrator | Lynne Mackenzie
Rick Ballard, Jill Bennett, Alan Bond (co-opted), Calum Buchanan (co-opted), Rowena S Comrie, David Faithfull, Anne Forte, Kirsty Lorenz, James Lumsden (co-opted), Silvana Maclean, Norman McBeath, Ruth Nicol, Gerry Smith (co-opted), Jenny Smith, Aleksandra Kargul
The 123rd AGM of the Society of Scottish Artists will be held at:
Upper Galleries, Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound, Edinburgh (Entry via rear door of building)
Sunday 18 February 2018, 11am
1 Apologies
2 Minutes of the AGM held on Saturday 18 March 2017
3 Matters arising
4 President’s Address
5 Adoption of Accounts to 31st December 2016
6 Election of Committee Members
7 Open Discussion
8 Any other competent business
2016 SSA Accounts
2017 AGM Minutes