
First Name


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Drawing, Photography, Printmaking


Abstract, Botanical, Figurative, Geometric



For many years I have been an avid collector of art and enthusiastic consumer of “the arts”. My collection could be described as eclectic, encompassing prints, photography, oils, bronzes, and ceramics. In 2016 I decided it was time to try my hand at “creating” and I took a number of introductory courses led by the wonderfully talented staff at Edinburgh Printmakers.

My current printmaking work focuses on the Toyobo photopolymer gravure, photo-plate lithography, zinc and copper plate etching and cyanotype processes. The starting point for my work is often the natural world – leaves, grasses, and flowers, some living and some in states of autumnal decay. I have a minor obsession with Scabious flowers which I grow in the garden and photograph throughout the summer. I continue to be fascinated by detail and the limitless beauty in nature observed close up. Mostly starting with a photograph, my prints emerge from a process of exploring and editing an image, looking at the detail, and seeing how the use of different processes, inks and papers can change the impact of the resulting print.

During the Covid pandemic, as studio access was limited, I began to explore photography and the abstraction of images.

Although I’m relatively new to creating and selling my own work, there are a huge variety of ideas whizzing around in my head which will keep me busy creating for many years yet!




August 16-18, 2024, Printmakers of Scotland, Festival of Printmaking, University of Stirling.

April 13-14, 2024, Hosting a stand at Scotland’s Daffodil Festival, Backhouse Rossie Estate, Fife.

September 3-29, 2023, Printmakers Salon, group show at The Leith Collective, Edinburgh.

May 19-21, 2023, Reveal Glasgow, exhibiting with Axolotl Gallery.

April 8-9, 2023, Hosted a stand at Scotland’s Daffodil Festival, Backhouse Rossie Estate, Fife.

17 Dec 22-10 Jan 23, exhibited in group show, SSA 130 Years | Annual Exhibition, at the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh.

1st-23rd Dec, 2022, exhibited in group show ‘Kinship’ at Edinburgh Printmakers.

Nov – Dec, 2022, Participating in the group Winter show at No 13 Gallery, Newport-on-Tay.

Oct 17 – Nov 20, 2022, Solo show, ‘Bloom’, at Art and Vintage, Edinburgh.

June 16-18, 2022, Drawing Down the Sun, group show at Wasps Patriothall, Edinburgh.

May 27-29, 2022, Glasgow Contemporary Art Fair, exhibiting with Axolotl Gallery.

Dec 2021 to Jan 2022, exhibited in group show SOLACE at Edinburgh Printmakers.

August 2019, Aberdeen Contemporary Art Fair, joint exhibiting with Axolotl Gallery.

May 17-19, 2019, Glasgow Contemporary Art Fair, exhibiting with Axolotl Gallery.

Nov 11–Dec 8, 2017, Solo show ‘First Leaf’ at Fieldwork Café, Fountainbridge, Edinburgh.