Summary of conclusions drawn from the SSA SCIO consultation

Thank you to all our members who took the time to complete the SSA SCIO consultation questionnaire. We have gained really valuable information about your needs and concerns from your responses. We have put together a summary of what we have learned from you, the SSA Membership, which you can read below. There were some key themes and questions that emerged, which prompted us to do further research. The full questionnaire results, and a detailed report, can be viewed by any member via the links below. 

Key statistics:

When asked how they felt about the proposed transition to SCIO status (Q5), participants responded as follows:

  • 88.89% (80 members) responded: I think it will benefit the SSA and its membership
  • 4.44% (4 members) responded: I don’t understand what will change 
  • 6.67% (6 members) responded: I think it will negatively impact the SSA and its membership

When asked how they felt about the vote to change the SSA name and extend tenure for Council and office bearers (Q8), participants responded as follows:

  • 66.67% (60 members) responded: I am happy with the result
  • 11.11% (10 members) responded: I have concerns about the result 
  •  26.67% (24 members) responded: I would like a re-run of this vote in the hope that more members participate

When asked how they felt about a vote to change the constitution to allow 75% of participants in the vote to approve dissolving the Society, since nominal dissolution is required for the SCIO transition, as (Q9), participants responded as follows:

  • 85.56% (77 members) responded: I am happy with this process 
  • 14.44% (13 members) responded: I have concerns about this process 

Summary of the points raised by members:

  • Requests for clarity around increased funding opportunities as a SCIO (please see detailed report for our response).
  • Concerns were raised that the Council plans to take on an SSA building. Please note that the Council have assessed this possibility and concluded it would not be beneficial at this time, there are currently no plans for a building.
  • Concerns that the Annual exhibition at the RSA may not be prioritised. The Council sees this as a high priority and plans to secure the SSA Annual at the RSA for at least the next 2 years.
  • Concerns about the proposed name change. It is important to note that we can become a SCIO without changing our name permanently; the change to SCIO offers an opportunity to do so, should we wish, but this is entirely optional.
  • Concerns about the impact of the proposed name change on the SSA archives (please see the detailed report for our response).


What’s next?

The SSA Council will now take time to fully research the more complex questions raised by members during the consultation; we will communicate our findings to the membership in due course. We will then draft a new constitution, which will include the following new clauses.

We will then submit this draft constitution to our members, who will have the opportunity to either approve or reject each clause separately by vote:

  1. The name change from Society of Scottish Artists to Scottish Society of Artists.
  2. The option for Council members and office bearers to extend their tenure for a further 2 years, subject to approval.
  3. A code of conduct clause that sets out expectations for appropriate behaviour and due process to be followed where this clause is breached.
  4. A clear process for the induction and (if necessary) removal of Council members and office bearers.
  5. Changes to voting procedures and percentages required to pass decisions, taking into consideration your feedback on this.

Once this process is complete, we will conduct the final vote to allow the SSA membership to decide whether or not to become a SCIO. At the moment we anticipate this vote will take place in early 2025, however we will keep you updated as we progress with the next steps.

You can read the SCIO Consultation Detailed Report, and view a copy of the Member Questionnaire results at the links below.

1.SSA SCIO Report_2024

2.SCIO Member Survey Results



For any further questions or comments, please email and we will pass these onto the SCIO Steering Group.