Welcome To Our New Administrator
The SSA President and Council would very much like to introduce you to our new Administrator, Julia Douglas. Julia was recruited to join our merry band this month with her very first day on the job being our AGM, so well done Julia.
Julia is a practicing Artist + Artist Educator, has undertaken Artist Residencies, worked for Aberdeen Art Galleries as Assistant Exhibitions & Display Officer and last year launched an online boutique called baffie.co.uk. Julia currently works for the National Galleries of Scotland and has served on the Council of VAS as well as working front of house for SSA over the past few years; therefore she has a wealth of creative and organisational experience to bring to our organisation.
We hope you will join us in giving her a warm welcome and first up we look forward to working with her on our Annual Exhibition 2012 and thereafter on our array of SSA Projects over the coming months and indeed years!
Louise Ritchie, President SSA